Sleep is a vital part of staying healthy, but the majority of adults struggle with it
Sleep is a vital part of staying healthy, but the majority of adults struggle with it. Your body shuts off from the outside world and begins its daily clean-up. Your brain uses sleep to check its hormones and enzymes are in balance. The cells contract and waste is washed away. If this does not happen, then the brain ages much faster and leads to diseases such as dementia.
Sleep is important for mental well-being as well as physical. Those lacking in sleep are more likely to:
Be overweight.
Have disrupted appetites.
Lose empathy.
Have more inflammation.
Have a low immune system.
Be depressed.
Be suicidal.
Have impaired brain function.
Are more at risk for heart problems.
Those sleeping for less than 7 hours per night have up to a 26% higher risk of death.
Ultimately, sleep is paramount to having a long and healthy life. Some tips to have quality sleep include:
Drinking enough water.
Having enough melatonin.
Reducing blue light in the evening.